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personal growth & development

The world around us, and our workplaces, are becoming ever more complex and placing ever greater demands on us. At times this can feel overwhelming, creating a sense of loss of control or a feeling that things could be better. And at the same time leaders are expected to perform. Every day new problems arise, and challenges present themselves. Leaders need to be equipped to handle these volatile times and motivate their teams at the same time.

I am a firm believer that everyone I work with is naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and completely capable of finding their own answers to whatever challenges they face. Coaching enhances one’s ability to learn, make changes, and achieve desired goals. It is a thought-provoking and creative process that enables people to make conscious decisions and empowers them to become better leaders.

There are multiple reasons why you may wish to engage a coach or external thought partner. Sometimes you just need a little help to clear the fog and explore the options. Perhaps it is to  gain personal insights that may be impacting your performance. At other times you may benefit from challenge with support with an external perspective.

Coaching provides a pause in their world of rapid action to step back, to review decisions, to process and to re-focus. We believe in strengths-based coaching and encourage sustainable practices to truly drive performance.

Whatever your reason, it can be helpful to have a conversation with someone outside of your organisation or immediate contact circle

How you see yourself is interesting
How others see you is what really matter!


Most of us believe that we are intimately aware of our own personalities, but this belief is only partially true. Indeed, we are experts on our personalities from an inside view, which can be defined as identity. Our identities are formed by the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, and as with any good story, we tend to bend the truth. In the case of identity, the story is often over optimistic or sympathetic.  

Others do not hold the same stories of us. Instead, they experience our personalities from an outside view to decide the other major component of our personalities: reputation. It is our reputation, the view that others hold of us, impacts our ability to lead, to get along with others and succeed within teams and wider organisations.

Through coaching we can become more aware of our personalities and how this influences the choices we make with respect to behaviours and actions. In turn, it is these visible interactions with others that creates the reputation that others hold of us.

Book a free call today

And together we can explore if coaching would be of value and if I am the right coach for you.

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